
One-Stop Solution for
Online Business

Domain, Hosting, Graphics, Website, SEO, SMM, Maintenance, Data Management, Email, Security & More.


Build your Online
Presence Now

Build a professional Website, Drive traffic to your business with SEO, Retain and target customers on Social Media.

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Welcome to Prishav Technologies

Businesses that Lead and Inspire.

Prishav Technologies' primary goal is to help small businesses and startups reach their maximum potential using full online strength.

web design services

Web Design

Captivating designs that engage users, optimize navigation, and create a seamless online experience.



Boost visibility, drive organic traffic, and improve search engine rankings for maximum online exposure.

data analysis services

Data analysis

Uncover valuable insights, discover patterns, and make data-driven decisions for business growth.

graphic design services

Graphic Design

Eye-catching visuals, stunning branding, and impactful designs that leave a lasting impression on users.